Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Maybe Jiggy and SoCalBlue will acknowledge that my sources may have been better than they suspected. At least five months ago I wrote that Andy and the boys up top were selling the membership a bill of goods. I took a lot of flak for it but continued to implore the membership to disband the union and either start a new one or sign individual contracts to prevent the inevitable. I offered that they were wasting their talent and the dream would soon end. Does anyone recall those posts?
Now it seems that the more the public discovers about the situation, the more it sees that greed has played a major hand in this fiasco. Few of us have found fault with the individual umpires. The machine seems to be destroying those on board rather than those in the gun sights. Even the amateurs, who are targets of their terror, have weathered the storm.
I can't imagine what the 2/3 were thinking. PBUC is holding a Royal Flush and AMLU still thinks they can bluff them.
You are only too ready to prove your ignorance. Any person reading your mindless dribble is wasting valuable time they could otherwise use to watch tv or clip their toenails.
"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. "
-Benjamin Franklin