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Old Sat Apr 29, 2006, 06:39pm
Al Al is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Speaking ASA and probably a couple other assns.

Since the umpires killed the play, no player can be tagged out. The umpires would have to return R2 to 2B and move on.

If there is anything the umpires should have done, it was "nothing" until the defense made the proper play or it was obvious they were going to make no play at all.

If protested, move R2 back to 2B and continue from that point.

This situation is similar to a situation I had in a coach-pitch game last week. I learned about two on the same base situations from this forum when I posted a play I had in a t-ball game a few weeks earlier when the "two coaches from the pit" were mad because two were on the base at the same time and I didn't automatically call one out. But that play was different in that I had already called time before the extra runner arrived to 3rd base.

But in the coach-pitch game two runners ended up on 2nd base at the same time and no attempt was being made to tag the girl that didn't belong there. The only thing the defense did was stand with the ball between 2nd and 3rd base so a runner would not advance. But the runner that didn't belong there didn't attempt to go back to 1st and the fielder didn't seem to care and just stood there with the ball for several seconds. I called time and sent the one girl back to 1st. No coach, fan or assistant coach in the field said a word to me, but had they I would have been glad to explain what happened and why. Later, ...Al
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