Thread: gps-5
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Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 12:04am
112448 112448 is offline
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Posts: 101
Bball Ref - i understand that you are quoting Joe Forte. i understand that he works in the NBA, but please understand that i am quoting the NCAA RULE BOOK!!

2002 NCAA Rules 2-13-5 found on BR-42
"Start the timing device when a player inbounds legally touches or is touched by the ball on a throw-in or WHEN A TEAM INITIALLY GAINS POSSESSION from a jump ball, an unsuccessfl try for goal or a loose ball."

If the quote you attribute to Mr. Forte is indeed correct - then he is just wrong about the rule. I fully understand the concept of when in Rome and am prepared to officiate a certain way if that is the way my assignor and the coaches expect the game to be called, but YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE that the Rule is different from the quote you attribute to Mr. Forte.

And furthermore, i have REREAD your post and it has everything to do with the original post by Crew. Mark Dexter was answering the original post - SO by responding to Mr. Dexter, you were responding to the original post.

Read the rule. There is NO QUESTION that by the rule, Mark Dexter and myself DO have a leg to stand on. Read the rule.

and i hope everyone has a great and happy holiday season.


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