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Old Mon Apr 24, 2006, 09:23pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Mechanics question

I was always taught not to be moving when calling safe/out or fair/foul when we go out on the ball. They always drilled it into us to stop, set, see it, and call it.

Why then do I always see the MLB guys continue chasing the play, and don't set up when they go out? I see it all the time. For example, the last play of the ESPN game tonight between Florida and Chicago had a ball down the right field line which 3 fielders converged, one made the catch, and then here comes Brian Runge running up with his head bobbing up and down signaling fair and a catch. Do they just want to make sure they are in the camera shot?

This is the reason Ritchie Garcia missed the call on that Jeffrey Mayer play in 1999, because he was still running instead of being set at the crucial point. It is also the reason Bob Davidson called that home run a double in the WBC last month. He was too busy trying to show how much he hustles, when actually over-hustled and did not see the ball obviously hit the foul pole.

Can someone explain to me why we are to get as far out there as we can and then get set for the play, and many of the MLB guys don't find it necessary to do the same thing?
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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