Thread: Charge
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Old Sun Apr 23, 2006, 08:35pm
fonzzy07 fonzzy07 is offline
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Had this in a game. I am almost positive this is a charge, I just wanted to check. Hometeam scores the basket and puts on the press. Away team in an attempt to break the press throws the ball long. Home team has a player in the deadcenter of the court, right in the middle of the tip off circle,he is stationary both feet planted and not moving. The away player leaps for the ball still the back court grabs has complete controlof it and while still in the air plows over the home teams defensive player in the middle. Whistle, and player control foul is my call. Away coach goes crazy claiming that he still had backcourt position, that things in the air were not the same as on the floor ect anything he could think of. I told the coach that the hometeam player had legal gaurding position and that yes he was right his player still had an established back court position when I blew the whistle but that did not matter because he was still responsible for his positioning when in the air, I tried to explain to him the idea of a vertical plane but he did not understand so I let him get in his last word gave him the stop sign and walked away. Do you guys call that a charge, and how do you explain that to a coach?
What if the away player leaps and losses control of it and hits the hometeam defender?
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