I tried Communist Kickball
I gave it a try in the late 1980's. I followed a local JC team. I went to their games, home and most away. They were a Top 5 program in the sate. I tried to appreciate the nuances and all the other blah,blah,blah. Bottom line -it was boring.
Now I have a theory on why kids play kickball versus softball/baseball. Bottom line it's pretty easy . Kick the ball.run after the ball, kick the ball, stand there and take a break. repeat. Now softball requies catching, throwing, and hitting. Not easy. Parents have to spend time teaching their kids these very difficult skills. For whatever reasons parents these days are swamped and these skills take time to develop. So throw my kid on the grass, let them run around, hoot and hollar, and wha la my kids an athlete. Or I thow hours and hours of grounders, batting practice etc and maybe my kid will be sucessfull 3/4 times out of ten.
Just my opinion.....