Thread: Scab Umpires
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Old Wed Apr 12, 2006, 10:49am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn

I am not upset. I was giving Mr. Jiggy some advice. For some reason, many union members and supporters do not realize how many people just shut them off when they use insulting language.

They should change their language because name-calling is not an effective method of communication.

Wouldn't we be more 'peaceful' if people used civil language to communicate?

Joe In Michigan
This is bigger than Jiggy. This is the term that is currently being used whether Jiggy, me or anyone else here decides to use the term. Also this is an emotional issue all the way around. I know we can get into name calling here and the issues we discuss are not even that important. This issue affects people's careers and future opportunities. The use of this term is no different than someone calling the striking umpires stupid for deciding to strike or taking a chance on their career. This conversation is not just going to all of a sudden become civil because of the use or non-use of one word.

I also want to that Jiggy did not start this thread and the person that did start this thread is not even a baseball umpire (by all accounts) and never has been a baseball umpire. If anything that should show you how emotional this issue can be.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Wed Apr 12, 2006 at 10:53am.