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Old Sat Apr 08, 2006, 01:54pm
Justme Justme is offline
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Posts: 477
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Is there a possible U3K? If so, you better know if the catcher caught the ball. Is there the possibility the catcher is about ready to move to chase a missed ball? If the catcher misses it, could it be at your feet and you need to evacuate the area without kicking the ball? These are all possibilities and I'd rather have an inkling that I need to move before "feeling" the catcher move.

If you set up looking toward the pitcher, how are you going to be aware of any of this unless you move your head? If you can see it without moving your head, you are so far behind the catcher. In softball, if that's where you are, you are too far back.
You didn't answer all of my questions but that's okay.

Maybe I'm 'special' because I have no problem telling when the ball gets past the catcher and I have no problem moving out of her way. I just step to the side and open up, this allows F2 room to chase the ball. Of course by this time not only am I moving my head but every other part of me as well

But I still haven't heard a good reason to move your head rather than follow the ball to the F2 with your eyes.
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