Interesting that this would come up now ...
I can't remember which current pro player it was, but during a recent interview, he said this very same play happened in a high school championship game. Deep fly ball, less than 2 out. Both runners tag. R3 scores easily, and R2 somehow scores practically right behind him. This player said he watched his teammate (R2) not even make it to the cutout before cutting toward the 3B line and scoring right behind R3. Nobody ever saw him miss 3B by 20 feet.
He said he finally felt good, admitting it after all these years.
Just wondering ... if it's a championship game, I'm pretty sure they were employing at least a 3-man crew if not 4+ ... and with R2 and R3, there should have been an umpire in the D position (unless he went out on the play, since it was so deep) whose SOLE RESPONSIBILITY was to watch the touch at 3B.
Just another example that should be under the "What ROOKIES should know" thread: watch touches, man. I work in a college conference that actually has coaches assign bench players to an umpire, who are to inform the coach when they do not see the umpire's head turning to watch touches, which prompts the coach to tell his players to appeal ... meaning, "You did not SEE the touch."