Originally Posted by deecee
Jeff i disagree with this -- why would you tell a coach that it was definitley a charge from your position (you are letting your partner out to dry) -- if you have a charge either get together with your partner or let him handle it -- and dont tell a coach that you will call a charge a block or vice versa to stay consistant -- any coach worth half his weigth in sand will have a field day with you on this one. just my opinion
Deecee - my hypothetical conversation with the coach occurred after "I" called the charge. He was complaining about "my" call in relation to "my partners" call at the other end of the floor. Try reading the post again from that perspective - it will make more sense to you then.
I NEVER directly comment on my partners call - "coach, he had a much better look than I did"; "coach, that's a really good official over there"; "coach, we talked about that exact play in our pre-game/halftime"; "I made the same call two minutes ago".... you get the idea.