Originally Posted by mrniceguy
JRutledge, not all of us can be thin and healthy. I am, are you, if so good. On this board we have a lot of fat guys (I guess they are fat otherwise they would not call themselves bigump or sasquatch or other memebr names). Eric Gregg is a kind soul and I got to talk to him one time out in California. What a nice guy. I wish he had better control of his beer intake, wow, six talls in about 30 minutes. Maybe it was because I was buying and listening to his tales of the MLB. Real interesting.
I did not say he was not a nice guy. I can tell you I have worked games in other sports with guys that look a lot like Gregg and the main thing people say about guys are their weight or their look. It is also assumed that they are not in very good position to make calls (true or not). The thing is we are judged as official/umpires by what people see. If you are overweight or your uniform looks bad, you have to overcome a perception that might be not at all true and work harder to convince others that you can work properly.
Whether any of us like it or not Eric Gregg was for the most part a punch line. That might not have been fair, but his look was the reason for much of those kinds of comments. He was certainly not the only one, but he was the most well known.