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Old Wed Mar 29, 2006, 02:08am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I left these two out earlier because I deemed the first one trivial and the second innane, but since people seem to be enjoying bashing the proposed changes so much I'm adding them now.

1. Submitted by South Dakota (Ruth Rehn - State Office)
Wristbands must be worn at the base of the thumb and can extend no more than three inches onto the wrist. (Rationale: A wristband must be worn as intended. Wearing them off the wrist is a distraction and draws attention to the individual. (A similar proposal was submitted by Iowa (Barr - State Office)

2. Submitted by North Dakota (Carlsrud - State Office)
Delete: 3-4-15: A team jersey designed to be worn inside the pants/skirt...
Rationale: Coaches and players don't like the rule, players break the rule, coaches don't enforce the rule, coaches chastise officials who enforce the rule and it is not being enforced at the NCAA level where kids see it on television. It doesn't seem fair that we continue "dumping" rules on officials causing them to stand with little support. If schools don't care how their uniforms look, why should the officials?

Pick your smilie.
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