Thanks, Walt. I too respect Mr. Knox, though I don't know him, but I study the rules pretty hard too. Just 'cuz he helps write them, doesn't mean he knows them ALL at a moment's conversation. Your point lends support to what I was trying to say. Plus, it would seem contradictory to apply Rule 10-3-1, yet call this a "team" technical and not consider it a flagrant. The player IS listed in the book and by rule becomes a player when the ball becomes live. It is questionable whether it warrants a "T" anyway, but if it IS a team technical, then the penalty as prescribed is assessed when it occurs--i.e., when the scorer is requested to change the player's number in the book. Until I hear a better rationale for interpreting this otherwise, I stand by my position.
Also, regarding the deflected shot/pass: If it was considered a pass, then I agree with Mr. Knox that it's only 2 points. But if it is deemed a "shot" because the ref couldn't with certainty say otherwise, then a blocked or tipped shot that was taken outside the arc is still 3 points. That's clear in the casebook.
Finally, I take no embarrassment if I'm corrected about something. I've yet to meet anyone who is never wrong about a rule interpretation once in a while. So, "grussel," thanks for a stimulating discussion and keeping us all on our toes. This matter isn't resolved yet to our unanimous satistaction, but I love these dialogs even so. Keep it comin'!
[This message has been edited by Todd VandenAkker (edited February 21, 2000).]