Originally Posted by SAump
"SAump is another troll from Officials Unlimited, Brian, good catch there."
Honestlty, I have never had sex with any women from OU, or any MILF from eteamz. This is the ONE baseball site I choose because I think it is the best (maybe FED is close, , maybe NOT).
My premise is entirely over safety concerns. Take the steroids and work the slot. Buy lots of ICE too for those bruises. I know you want to move up. You can have my ticket too. There is no overnight magic pill. Hustle, knowledge and determination only get you so FAR before reality brings you back to earth. The PRO, ML and NCAA boyz don't want you there. There aren't enuf SPOTS and those that are available don't PAY like your DAY job. Sorry to BUST your bubble. Please get your college certificate and find a good slot in the job market.
Moderator, I think something may have spun out of control here. I leave you the last DANCE. I will now retire from this thread.
I must be out of step. In my clinics, articles, books, I teach there are TWO positions from which to view a pitch: (a) the box; (b) the slot. (Professional umpires stole the name "box" for one of their slot stances. Ignore that revisionism.)
The box is that rectangle
directly behind the catcher. The American League umpires used the box from the start of their League in 1903 until the 1970s. A box umpire looks directly over the catcher's head and views the plate head on.
Every other stance is a slot, where the umpire looks between the batter and the plate.
There are simply variations of the slot stance: knee (Doug Harvey's creation), scissors (Ed Vargo's sadistic legacy), heel-toe (PBUC stance), heel/toe/heel/toe (Jim Evan's name for his stance), balanced (John McSherry's stance, which the wannabes call the box), and the Gerry Davis.
Gerry Davis is
identical to John McSherry's balanced slot stance with one addition: Gerry (and his disciplies, of whom I am one) uses the hands-on-knees set position.
There is one safe place for an umpire behind the plate: In the box (behind the catcher) with the outside protector.
Wherever else you stand, you're going to get plunked.
Now, if I've missed something, and there is a spot where the umpire can use Gerry Davis without being in the slot, let know.
Otherwise, buy plenty of Sportscreme. And get those soccer shin guards for forearm protection. About half of the GD umpires in my association now wear them. They smile a lot more.