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Old Fri Mar 24, 2006, 08:34pm
ManInBlue ManInBlue is offline
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Posts: 469
I believe Carl also says that you should only get the out on the pick off from B if R1, falls down getting back to the bag - and from C, only if he falls over dead. May not be exact wording, but the point is the same.

I don't agree with the mechainc simply because the 2 man crew is a series of compromises, why create one that is unnecessary? You are introducing things that may effect your calls, why? Get in the best position, and use THAT position. Hustle if needed, but don't move to another position and open up contraversy (from coaches, et al), or create another set of compromises.

JMHO - for what it's worth. The "normal" mechanics have also been studied and have been tried and perfected for years. Ask any MLB ump why they work in any given position, question it - the answer will be that "we" have used these mechanics and have tried various different mechanics, these work best.
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