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Old Fri Mar 24, 2006, 08:02pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Many umpires that have made this move are the same ones that can't run fast enough to get into position for the call. I'm certain that I'm old enough to be your father, but I learned game management a long time ago. Anticipating plays and being prepared for them is part of any good umpire's routine.
I think if an umpire can't run fast enough from B, then he probably can't run fast enough from C. I don't think that speed is the reason anybody switches. I stay in B with a runner at 1st because of the rundown possibility, not because of the pickoff. I don't think the extra distance is that big of a deal, unless you have extemely poor vision.

Your last paragraph just strikes me as arrogant and sad. If you work a college schedule, you would certainly care what a coach thinks about your mechanics and attitude. SInce they have a say in your evaluation, you'd better believe that their opinions count. Unorthodox mechanics may suit your game, but that doesn't mean that you are correct.
Yes, this is probably true at the college level, because many of the coaches know a little more about umpiring than the HS coaches do. However, since the majority of HS coaches don't know their a$$ from umpiring, their comments are certainly unwelcome. I have had Varsity coaches tell me I'm supposed to go out on fly balls to the outfield.....from B or C. I've had them tell me that an infield fly can't be called when the ball is in the outfield, or caught by an outfielder. So I give very little value to coaches opinions of my mechanics. I have forgotten more about mechanics than any coaches even know.

I'll echo Bob's sentiments, the angle is almost the same, but the distance is greater. The swipe tag at first is far more crucial than the banger at second. If the kid is out going back to first, he'll never have a chance to show his speed. Even the pro school robots know that they should work the deep "B" for runners on first. Those guys are quick and aware.
Once again, not really that different. I don't think that one call is more important to the offense, they probably would place equal value on them. The coaches aren't going to like it when you kick either one.

Tossing coaches for questioning such unique positioning shows lack of confidence and smacks of being an OOO.
Agreed. But they should be worrying about their own team, and let the umpires worry about their positioning. I'm not afraid to let a coach know this when they spout off. Coaches normally have no idea what the correct mechanics or positions are, so they should keep their yaps shut.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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