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Old Fri Mar 24, 2006, 12:16pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by tomegun
I know many don't like the NBA, but this came up in a Pro-Am meeting last night.

What should the shot clock normally (out of bounds after made basket) say to call a violation?

1. NCAA - 25
2. NCAA - 24

*According to the rule, the NBA should be called differently besides the fact that the shot clock is different.
3. None of the above. The official's count is the count that matters.

I choose #3.

But, the shot clock is set up differently than game clocks. The horn goes off the same moment the shot clock shows 0. There is no delay like with a game clock that shows :00 but doesn't show tenths. So, while the shot clock is showing 1, it's actually at .9, .8, .7, etc. When it shows 35, it could be 34.9, 34.8, etc. That's why the rule says on a re-set on a kicked ball, reset it to 15 even if it says 15, because it's actually at 14.9, 14.8, 14.1, etc.

So, if you were to use the shot clock as an indicator of a 10-sec. violation, the violation occurs when the clock shows 25.

35 = 0 sec.
34 = 1 sec.
33 = 2 sec.
25 = 10 sec.
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