Thread: Camps?
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Old Wed Mar 22, 2006, 04:40pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
I know the ASA Advanced Camp is wonderful, and I think the world of Phil G. and all who work hard to make these camps great (and to the folks in TX before that, and folks before that).

But there is an interesting point to be made here (at least IMHO). There IS a need for some sort of camp, much like the basketball camps and the ASA Advanced camps. Not everyone is an ASA umpire, but hopefully all are aspiring to become better at our avocation. Besides, not everyone is cut out for the ASA Advanced National Camp (just ask Billy Monk and some of the others in TX).

Isn't there some way we can do this for the betterment of softball umpiring as a whole? Don't get me wrong, I am beholden to the blue shirt brigade - ASA and especially the Seattle group and leaders like Malcolm Boyles and Wild Bill Silves and others have given me some pretty darned wonderful opportunities to succeed. But is there more we can do to help those who want to succeed, succeed?
Many of your NCAA umpires come out of ASA and are seen at the high levels of ASA. There are also college tournaments in certain areas which umpire associations use to eval umpires who are interested in a move.

You need to remember, the NCAA conferences contract with local associations (most of which are dedicated to college ball), just like many local leagues do, to work their games. The NCAA really doesn't get into umpire assignments until the post-season. If you want to work college ball, I would think you would need to apply to one of these associations for membership.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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