Youre right Steve; there is no exception in NFHS as there is in ASA. I posted this to bring the issue to the attention of NFHS umpires.
Apparently Mary Struckhoff has issued an interpretation that will surprise you: let the play stand!
Normally I teach H.S. umpires that if there is no specific instruction in the NFHS book (i.e., deflected ball, or double 1B a few years ago) to use an ASA interpretation. So I would have said Dead ball, return runner, no penalty on batter.
In this case I am assuming that Struckhoff made this interpretation because there is no NFHS rule to call otherwise, so you have to let the play stand. Though we certainly could invoke umpire powers under 10-2.3g. Hopefully we will have a book revision next year.
Obviously we see it the same way, Dakota, but . . . . . .(see above)!
[Edited by WestMichBlue on Mar 20th, 2006 at 11:57 AM]