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Old Mon Mar 20, 2006, 05:07am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
1) What do you think about the rebounding play? Does it provide an adequate example for your parameters?

2) BNR, Yes, I am aware that the college ruling on this play is different.

[/B][/QUOTE]1) Yeah, that rebounding play could involve shoulder to torso contact on a player without LGP. The rule doesn't specify the front of the torso or the back of the torso.The "trip over the player on the floor" play though is still completely irrelevent to the discussion.

2) The college ruling re: a player on the floor is different than the FED's, but, again, that ain't relevant to the discussion we're having. I'm still waiting for an to NCAA cite that states that shoulder-to-torso contact should be called differently than in the NFHS. Afaik, shoulder to torso contact is pretty much called the same way in all rulesets, with regards to LGP.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Mar 20th, 2006 at 07:08 AM]
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