Originally posted by mplagrow
Originally posted by Corndog89
Originally posted by mplagrow
I agree with Mick. If I see a player doing something I don't like, I'll let him know it. If any player asks me a question respectfully, I will answer it gladly. What I WON'T listen to is an assistant coach. One coach on each side trying to bend my ear is enough. Not two. Nope.
Why would you refuse to talk with an assistant coach during a TO? As long as he's respectful and limits questions/comments to specific activities on the floor, why wouldn't you talk with him? Usually he's asking a question for the head coach who is talking with the team. I've listened/talked with them often, and always kept responses/discussions brief and to the point.
And yes, like everyone on this board I've seen plenty of bonehead asst coaches, but I've also dealt with plenty of asst coaches who had their s*** together. I'm always ready to listen to any calm, respectful player or coach during appropriate dead ball or TO situations.
Okay, time to go Pat Benatar on me and hit me with your best shot...fire away. 
The assistant coach is not there as the mediator between me and the coach. I haven't yet met a respectful assistant coach, I guess. All they seem to do is wonder why I didn't call the foul that was so obvious to them. Or the travel. They ought to be called assistant refs, in my experience. If I actually met a pensive, respectful, knowledgeable assistant coach, I'd gladly discuss the finer points of advantage/disadvantage foul calling with him or her.
Agree that the asst coach is not a mediator between me and the coach. But I'm always open to any positive communication that helps the game. And no, I will not/do not talk with jackass asst coaches who just want to complain and show their ignorance, and they're very easy to spot. But I guess I've been fortunate over the years in dealing with many professional asst coaches.
And BTW, I'm talking HS ball only (hopefully will be able to talk college ball sometime in the future), not rec/youth league ball. My tolerance level is mighty, mighty low for almost all rec/youth league coaches because so, so many don't have a clue and are so, so willing to demonstrate their ignorance.