Thread: Hit by pitch?
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Old Fri Mar 17, 2006, 06:39pm
nickrego nickrego is offline
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OK, re-read and agree with your interp.

Geez, I just can't picture a batter "running" inside the batters box to a pitched ball. What are we talking about, maybe two steps if he was at the very back of the box. But then, I haven't seen "everything" yet.

So, assuming the batter did not swing (or attempt in the umpire's judgement), and the ball hit the batter outside of the Strike Zone...

Ball to the batter, stay here for more abuse from the pitcher.

But, for me, if that bat was moving towards the pitch, even if being held while the body was moving, I am likely to say he went, and call a Strike. If a batter squares to bunt, and then moves his entire body towards the pitch (bat moves with them), that is an attempt. So why wouldn't it be for a Slap hit ?
Have Great Games !

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