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Old Mon Mar 13, 2006, 05:28pm
mrgusb mrgusb is offline
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Posts: 4
I think only Dave30 (and possibly 1 other)"got my point".
1. I'm not looking to sway the refs.
2. I am an excellent coach, mentor, and role model.
(Thanks much to chap using the term "dumb").
3. I did not imply that I didn't care about the other kids.
4. Again, if a ref. allows the game to get physical and does not call (intentional) is the ref. that sets the tone.
5. If the ref. calls all (intentional) fouls, the teams (if well coached) should learn to control themselves (unless the other team is a lousy on the line...joke).

Chaps, I've been disappointed at the mentality behind the responses here....I sense once the "stripes" go on there's a "holier than thou" attitude! (I've heard this from coaches in other leagues...)

OBTW, about my game.....I said nothing to the refs.....since it was a Final, they called the game exceptionally well. By calling most every intentional foul they saw, they kept the physicality and the potential for escalation down to a minimum.

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