Jurassic Ref.. The official NFHS ruling was given.
Mary Struckhoff of NFHS agree with the IAABO ruling. She is National Federation. I spoke with her and this is how the NFHS rules the situation. Her comment was made to see if Ga. had an interpretation that was different. We are not suppose to contact NFHS directly only our State interpreter. I found a loop hole to get to her directly. I still am not sure how this could be ruled anything but a violation. All the rules given seem to ouline it pretty good.
"All interpretations for high school basketball should be run through the Georgia state association.Â* However, I do agree with the interpretation below (#4), but you may want to contact the basketball liaison at the Georgia office for their official interpretation."
Mary Struckhoff
Assistant Director - Basketball Editor/National Interpreter
National High School Federation