1)What is your typical strike mechanic? Some use the NFHS/ASA/ NCAA punched fist *(like an out signal) some still pointÂ…
I use the Gerry Davis like many others, we hammer the strike call.
2)What is your typical strike three (sell) mechanic? punched fist or arm up, punch or other
Straight forward bow and arrow. (Left arm forward and slightly down; right arm follows and is dramatically snapped back, like you are drawing a bow.)
3)How do you signal play? (Waive emÂ’ in? point?) Do you verbalize?
Universal mechanic, point at the pitcher with right hand and say, "Play". If he is sleeping or taking too long - right hand out and a quick 'beckon' motion with your hand is all it takes.
4)Foul tip mechanic – The hand sweep or the arm sweep?
A lot of guys use the whole forearm because they are holding a 'clickacounterindicator'. They don't want to risk losing it while indicating the strike. I just turn the hand over and swipe the back of the hand skyward twice. If it is the third strike, I then hammer it forward.
5)What does your pre-game duties consist of? How long do you wait until you get dressed without a partner? EtcÂ…
The parks I work usually have locker rooms. I set my gear in there and may head to the field if it is new to me. This allows a couple of things to happen; I can scout any problems and alert my crew and it shows the staff that the crew is arriving. If you are working a two man game and don't see a partner fifteen minutes prior...get dressed and hope that he shows up.
6)Tips/Comments on Sunglasses?
Use them on the field when necessary. Bolle, and Oakley make nice ones. I don't like the way it looks on a PU. But, if they built your fields so that the batter is looking into the sun, have at it.
7)Tips/Comments on Mask or Hockey Helmet protector – Left hand removal?
More and more guys are going to a HSM, but I'm too old to want to try it and too cheap to buy one. Always remove and hold your mask with your left hand.
8)Tips/Comments on one ball bag or two?
I use two, but that is something I've done for too many years. On a college field, you usually have a ball boy or team member to bring you extra baseballs. I don't like to have to wait and it feels more balanced.
9)Tips/Comments on how you keep your lineups (do you rewrite them, etcÂ…)
Davis, +POS and Honig all make line up holders. I use a GD one and found a pen the same size as a bullet pencil. I like to use pen because it is permanent.
10)Any additional tidbits?
Get there early, don't fraternize with the teams/coaches/fans, trust your partners and have them trust you, always carry more gear than you think you'll need, clean your gear after every game (it'll last longer and it's ready when you're late the next day!), try to debrief the crew for a few minutes after the game, NEVER leave before your partner(s), bring some water and a small first aid kit for your trunk (for headache, cut or stinger), call your partner(s) the night before so there are no surprises, don't sweat the small stuff (it's all small stuff) and RELAX!
Good luck and let us know how you did.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz