Right now I've got GD, +POS, Honigs, Fechheimers in my closet. My favorites are the +POS pleated base pants, and the Honigs pleated combos. I'm tall and thin, so combos are perfect on me. Plenty of room in the legs for WV shin guards. For those that are no so thin (see, I didn't call anyone fat) regular plate pants are more "flattering". Combos don't seem to work on short inseams.
BUT they're all cut a little differently. My Fech's are wider, and GD's a little narrow. Me, I'm 6'1" and 175. Your mileage may vary.
Oh yeah, IMO plate pants look absolutely rediculous on the bases. I've been forced to wear them once, and being fairly tall, I could actually HEAR them flapping on my legs. I should have call myself out for visual obstruction.