From BRD item 105: batted ball hits pitcher's plate and goes foul
FED: Point not covered, but OFF INTERP 80-105 "A batted ball hitting the pitcher's plate and rebounding to foul ground between home and first or home and third witout touching a fielder is a foul ball as it did not hit beyond the imaginary line in the infield.
NCAA: "Same as FED"
OBR: "Same as NCAA"
"Though all codes are now the same this section will remain until the NFHS Committee incorporates OFF INTERP 80-105 into its rule book."
From BRD item 103: batted ball hits beyond imaginary line
FED: "A batted ball hitting beyond an imaginary line running between first and third is a fair ball, regardless of where the ball might first settle."
NCAA: "Point not covered."
OBR: "Point not covered."