Originally posted by SeanFitzRef
BadNews, you are sadly mistaken if you think any of us officials types that still play team sports say anything to our refs or umps when we play!! We are quiet as church mice!!
I declare!
I wouldn't say I was the worst as a player, but I definitely wasn't the best either. I'm retired from 22 years of military service. I played plenty of post/base team level basketball as well as intra-murals. I look back on some of my antics as a player and all I can say is "WOW". Remembering what an idiot I was capable of being on the court contributes greatly to my ability not to take anything personally as an official. I try my best to deal with inappropriate behavior in a unemotional, business-like manner. And when the game is over, it's over. I don't hold anybody's on-court behavior against them. If I happen to bump into them away from the court. I greet them and talk them as if nothing happened.