[QUOTE]Originally posted by FVB9
FVB9 Wrote
[B]"Rich is absolutely right about this one. Incenting umpires to work "down" for more money is rewarding the wrong behavior."
I think the raise is a great idea.
The incentive should be to get the schools to have 2 umpires at all levels. Now for just a few extra bucks they get 2 umps at the JV game.
FVB9 wrote
"Also...I realize that a single umpire working a lower level game is exuding more energy (maybe) than two umpires working a Varsity contest. HOWEVER...the intensity of a Varsity contest (and the expectations bestowed upon Varsity umpires) requires a much stronger effort from us. I'm not saying Varsity umpires should be paid significantly more, but the thought of a first year rookie getting paid more on the Freshman-B field than the two State Playoff umpires on the Varsity field is mind boggling to me."
An argument that more experience deserves more money could fly, but not that Varsity officials put out more effort.
Are you saying the lower level officials mail it in, don't care as much or don't give as much effort?
In basketball and football the lower level officials get paid less but the quarters are shorter as well. A 7 inning JV game goes just as long, if not longer, than a varsity game.
Who do you really thinks has the most pressure.
A first year rookie doing a freshman game or a 10 year vet doing varsity?
That first year rookie has the weight of the world on him and he's on an island.
The solution is get 2 men on every game and pay the varsity guys more.