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Old Sun Mar 05, 2006, 06:13pm
Bob Proctor Bob Proctor is offline
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Not the point

You missed the point. The real point is that a 35 year umpire with stellar credentials would tarnish his reputation by admitting that he would intentinally call a strike on a pitch that was outside the strike zone. One thing that officials in all sports are taught from day one is that two wrongs DO NOT make a right. You call what you see, not what you want to see. Looking for a pitch that is only close to the strike zone to call a strike ... with the express purpose only to teach a lesson is what has gotten umpires in trouble for ages. Haven't we learned anything by our predecessors' mistakes? Not to mention the fact that intentionally miss-calling a play is the same as a player intentionally breaking the rules. Lastly, aren't the umpires supposed to be the bastion of integrity, the keystone to keeping the game in order and played fairly? There is no such thing as a make-up call. All that does is give you two blows instead of one.
Bob Proctor
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