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Old Sat Mar 04, 2006, 07:01am
BretMan BretMan is offline
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Thanks for the input, guys.

AtlUmpSteve, you mention turning the foot behind the catcher at 45 degrees. I've found myself doing that unconciously before. I understand what you mean about allowing your knee to clear the catcher.

I've been watching the WBC game this morning and the home plate umpire- whom I believe is a Minor League AAA guy- is doing what you describe, Steve M. There is a pronounced "outward angle" to his feet that caught my eye. Something else to experiment with!

As for the "Gerry Davis" stance, I think that we might be talking bout two different stances. The "GD" is designed for use in the slot and is a relatively newer method that is much more recent than the old American League mechanics.

Here's a link to an "Official Forum" article describing the stance:

And a link to a discussion of this stance over on the baseball board:

[Edited by BretMan on Mar 4th, 2006 at 07:04 AM]
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