Originally posted by BigUmp56
I don't understand your logic on this play. You've said that you were sure the pitch was going to be a strike. Had the batter taken the pitch you would have rung him up. Instead he chose to basically cheat and take the pitch away and now you're going to give him a base on balls award for committing an illegal act. I have to believe that had you called it the other way and sat his butt down there would have been no complaint from the offensive manager.
Here's the difference. I want to call by the rule. You want to call by what you think it should be. You're a romantic, like Bob.
There's no language in any book that gives an umpire the right to overturn a rule. Fill in the blank:
If it's not a strike, it's a ______________.
If it's the fourth ball, the batter________________.
Regardless, it's a third world play. I'm been umpiring since 1954; yesterday was the first time it ever happened in one of my games.
If it happened in MLB or NCAA, somebody would get smashed in the ribs.
These things take care of themselves.
BTW: If I had called strike two (remember, it was a 3-1 count) - when it wasn't? - what then?
You're willing to call it a strike when it isn't, but you're not willing for me to call it a ball when it is.
Now, which one of us is twisting the rules to suit our philosophy of how the game should be played?