Thu Mar 02, 2006, 07:05pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: White, GA
Posts: 482
Originally posted by Rick82358
this play was observed in the ORCC tournament
Play, Team A scores a basket to close the gap to, Team B (80) and Team A (78) with 2.1 seconds left on the game clock.
Team B, B -1 runs the endline after the scored basket while there is pressure from Team A, B - 1 throws an entry pass to his team mate B - 2 who goes air borne, catches the ball gains control and immediately goes to the floor.
Lead official blow whistle and calls a travel!
The game clock shows 0.1 of a second left!
Team is granted the ball via the violation, A - 1 designated spot throws the ball into the playing court to A -2 who is cutting down the lane opposite side, as the ball reaches the air borne A -2 his is bumped just as the buzzer sounds.
How would you rule on the play as an official on the court, please do not give me a rule book answers.
You do not have the aide of a monitor!
Did it take a full (2) second for the play to complete?
Would you put time on the clock or would you leave it as it is?
If you put time back on the clock, how much?
If you did not, then how would you rule on the entry pass and contact against A -2?
What if anything was missed?
NFHS - I guess most people think there is an obvious timing mistake on this play but i don't think that is necessarily so. The amount of time involved is not just the catch and fall to the floor. There is recognition time for the ref and lag time for the clock operator. A good clock operator would start the clock on the airborn catch and would wait on an official's signal on the fall to the floor. I would imagine that it takes the calling official a little time to "recognize" a travel after the kid hits the floor and put air in the whistle. Unless one of the three officials had a count going after this WHISTLE (for the travel) or noticed the time after this WHISTLE, then I would not touch the clock.