Thread: Fix this one
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Old Tue Feb 28, 2006, 01:45pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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According to the 2004 NCAA rule book (the latest I have here, and I don't feel like going to the web site) and the 2005 ASA rule book, either the out would stand or the runner's advance would stand (I think!?!)

15-9-c (NCAA) and 10-6-C (ASA) gives the umpire the authority to rectify any situation where a reversed or delayed call places either team in jeopardy. Clearly, if the call is reversed, it would place the defense in jeopardy.

However, the rule goes on to say that
"This correction is not possible after one legal or illegal pitch has been thrown or after the pitcher and all infielders have clearly vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory."
ASA has similar language.

So, given this, you can reverse the call alright, but the runner's advance stands. Or you could not reverse the call and the play stands. But you can't reverse the call and put the runner back.

At least that is what it seems to say to me.
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