The scoring team can call a time-out after a made basket while the ball is dead up to the time that the ball is in control of or at the disposal of the team that was just scored on. Rule 5-8-3. Iow, the scoring team cannot call a time-out when the ball becomes live again. The ball becomes live on a throw-in after a made basket when it is at the disposal of the thrower. For the definition of "disposal", see case book play 6.1.2SitB.
Casebook play 6.1.2 SITUATION B:
Team A1 has just scored a goal. The ball is bouncing close to the end line when A1 calls a time-out.
RULING: In order to rule correctly, it depends on whether the bouncing ball is is judged to be at the thrower's disposal. If the covering official judges it is at the thrower's disposal, he/she would start the count and the ball becomes live. In this case, no time-out is granted.
Iow, if the ball is right under the basket and and a member of the thrower's team picks it up, the scoring team can longer be granted a time-out, by strict reading of the rule. There has been arguments made in previous threads in the past that you should grant the time-out until the thrower actually steps out-of-bounds, but I've never seen any rules citation that would back that interpretation up. If the ball bounces away from under the basket towards the other end, I would definitely grant the time-out though. I don't think that the purpose and intent of the rule is to have a 5-second count going while a player is walking in from the free-throw line to the end line. Also personally, if the ball is bouncing around and nobody on the throwing team has grabbed it yet, I'll grant the TO; if questioned, I'll just say that I didn't think it was at the throwing team's disposal yet.