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Old Thu Feb 23, 2006, 01:19pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally posted by debeau
The devils advocate .
So its ok to appeal BOO after a completed bat but its not ok to put it right .
Where in the rule book does it say the coach cannot and how can you act on an action without a proper appeal .
Do you say "sorry coach you cant replace that person even though you know you did wrong and even though the defense will now appeal and you will have an out "
Exactly. It is ok to appeal BOO after a completed at bat, and it's not OK to "put it right". The offense has already occurred and been completed. There is no "put it right" in this case as far as the offense is concerned.

I would not say it the way you said it. But I would say, "Sorry coach, that can is already opened. Too late to put the genie back in the bottle."
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