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Old Wed Feb 15, 2006, 08:50pm
SC Ump SC Ump is offline
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Location: Columbia, SC
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Originally posted by WooPigSooie
... a very young and inexperienced umpire.
...Defensive team, fans, and coaches go nuts (evidently it wasnt close, she was out easily).
Don't believe it wasn't close just because they went nuts. They can smell new guys. There is just a certain confidence you build in your calls after you have some experience. I might have blown a close one tonight, but I "sold it" and I got a boo or two, but nothing bad.

That being said, the call you made is one of the toughest. Most organizations do want the base guy to make it. My personal opinion is to get a good angle. Is there a way to take a couple of giant steps forward, slightly right, just as you see the throw is going to happen? There is no perfect way to make this call.

As for your plate guy... forget about his action. It was completely wrong.

Hang in there. The first year can be a tough one, but it gets more and more fun.
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