First of all, I am a new member of the forum and a very young and inexperienced umpire. My very first game calling HS Varsity, I was in the field (2 man crew). Runner on 1st and 2nd. I am in my position between 2nd and 3rd. Catcher throws behind the runner on 1st. Obviously, I do not have the angle. Everyone is looking at me for the call. Since I dont know she is out, I call the girl safe. Defensive team, fans, and coaches go nuts (evidently it wasnt close, she was out easily). I then ask for help from the home plate umpire because he has a better angle and he proceeds to tell me that is my call IN FRONT OF EVERYONE.
Who is correct? Is it definately my call EVEN THOUGH I obviously dont have the proper angle or is that a call that is suppose to go to HP umpire by default because of positioning. If I do make the call and it is wrong, can I ask for help in that scenario?
I apologize if this is a dumb question. I know the game front and back, but the thing I ran into MUCH more than anything is proper officiating mechanics. Thanks for the help.