Originally posted by Snaqwells
Originally posted by bebanovich
Also, I don't think it's a huge crime to want to be overheard telling a player that you think an official has made the right call. How many of you have been about to leave money in a tip jar at Starbucks (or similar) when the cashier turns his/her back to do something else. You know you wait until they come back so they can see you putting that tip in there. You're going to tip anyway but you want it to be visible if you have a choice. It's not like you wouldn't tip if they went on break or you would take the tip back out again (I hope).
You're supposed to tip at Starbucks? 
Seriously, when I tip at coffee shop, I don't even care who sees me, including the staff. It's not like they're going to remember my dollar or two the next time I come in. "Hey, I got Mr. Wells. He always drops a Washington ino the jar."
That thing's a tip jar?
Geeze, I always pull a buck or 2 out of that jar. Who knew it was for them???