I was told at a couple of camps that you want to try to always keep your head facing the players. So if I am trail on the right side and have an OOB going the other direction I will stop the clock with my left hand and point with my left hand. If I am on the other side of the court I will use my right hand.
When I am at lead on whichever side of me the ball goes out on, I use that hand to stop the clock and point. I also pivot the direction I am pointing while keeping my head on the floor. We were told this makes sure that we always have our eyes on the players at all times. Especially on one of those loose balls with people diving all over the place or a blocked shot at the baseline where somebody thought they might have gotten fouled.
It's not easy to do and took me about a season to work it out. I spent a lot of time in the mirror but I usually get it right most of the time now.