Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Carl Childress
the integrated officfial interpretations,
Please explain what you mean by this term -- it's a new one to me.
Well, gosh, Bob, you've been hanging around Windy too much, I guess. An "officfial" interpretation is one that only Texans receive before the season starts. I though everyone knew that.
I meant it as a serious question -- not as a question about the typing skills (heaven knows I've plenty of tyoing and spelling ewrrors in my posts).
What are "integrated official interpretations?" that haven;t been in the book before?
Each year the FED puts out a rulebook and case book. Then (for many years) in March and April they would include "late-breaking" interpretations in their house organ called
The Federation News. Nowadays, they post those on the website.
For the last four years (ever since I contracted with Right Sports), I've published the book around the first of February,
before the "official interpretations" were available.
This year I decided to wait. Most of the country doesn't start FED baseball until March, and umpires will have plenty of time to get the BRD in advance of their spring games.
That's what I meant: I could integrate the official interpretations into the text, along with rule and case book changes.
BobP: "integrate" is spelled that way. It's not "intergrate."