Thread: holy cow
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Old Wed Feb 08, 2006, 10:15am
tweetz tweetz is offline
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bgtg19, you have a good point, if we had just let that 1sec die, we would have avoided the whole situation altogether and gone into overtime. however, the buzzer clearly went off a full second after I blew my whistle and the coach seemed to understand what we were doing and why, and he didn't question us about it, and he had plenty of time to ask us nicely. He chose to wait until I was ready to inbound the ball and was all of a sudden trying to cause a commotion. (and... this wasn't the smartest scorekeeper either.)

In response to deecee: heck yea he was coming after us, he sure as heck wasn't gathering his ducklings out there as he stood at HALFCOURT NEAR THE CENTER CIRCLE. He was complaining, not ferociously, but started in with the "this whole game blah-blah-blah...".
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