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Old Tue Feb 07, 2006, 08:57am
SmokeEater SmokeEater is offline
MABO Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: MB, Canada
Posts: 796
Originally posted by tomegun
So what did you do in your similar situation?

If I'm not 100% sure, I'm not going to give a T.
tomegun, I had a couple of kids banging chests together the other night, they were jawing at each other up and down the court. I gave them a quick warning to knock off the extra curriculars, which they ignored. Next time down they crash into each other. Double foul. Red team player turns and mouths the F sharp to the other kid, whack he got a T. I was close enough to see what he was saying but not to hear the word, didn't matter, to me he was instigating more. I reported the fouls and by the time I was done the Red coach had a sub for the kid and he never played the remainder of the game. 15-17yr old boys club ball. That was my situation. Did the kid deserve a T, In my opinion YES. Perhaps not in others but they were not in my shoes.

"Your Azz is the Red Sea, My foot is Moses, and I am about to part the Red Sea all the way up to my knee!"

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