Originally posted by rockyroad
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by rockyroad
Originally posted by socalreff
Dan ref.... you're a bitter old man.
Hey now...how do you know he's bitter? How do you know he's old? Just because he likes the damn Yankees doesn't make him old and bitter...
Geeze Rocky, thanks for putting in a good word for me...I kinda thought you would spend a couple of days hanging around the house unshaved in your PJs & slippers...you know, on account of what happened, well, you know, uhmmm...yesterday - getting screwed by those damn football referees and all. 
Huh??? What in the world are you talking about? i really have no idea what you are referring to...see, I went to a hypnotherapist this morning before work and the last 24 hours are completely blacked out for me. Sometime in the next three to five days, reality will come crashing back down and I will realize how many blown opportunities and assignments there were yesterday...then, and only then will we talk about those %$#&*$@ referees!
Hmmm...sounds like there's an opportunity for those Boston hypnotherapists to open a practice in Seattle.
btw...check out this clown: