Thread: Injured Player
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Old Tue Jan 31, 2006, 11:57am
Blind & lovin' it Blind & lovin' it is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 47
Re: you are right

Originally posted by deecee
i was once a freshman ref -- but some guys (and all associations have them) that arent good officials (believe it or not they are just there for the check) -- and i give slack to the new guys but there are some that i know have 2-3+ years under their belt -- as a coach tell me you would not get mad at the following


sit b) how about being told that my player was called for a block because he was stepping back and wasnt set


sit c) or one of my techincals
me: why was that last play a turnover when my player got shoved in the back (i said that as a question -- all i wanted to hear was coach i didnt see a shove -- fine with me) instead i get coach you better sit down the rest of the half (6mins left Q2)
me: for what?
ref: T

sit d) same ref who t'd me up there in a previous game (same ref 2 ts) -- block called on one side and charge called on other side by the same ref -- i agreed with the charge -- i asked him why we were called for the block (i asked him a question calmly because i know how i want coaches to address me)
ref: coach ive had enough from you (when this was the first time i asked him a question)
me: why wont you answer my question?
ref: T

sit e) you want more -- i treat ppl how i want to be treated and the times i have blown up at officials is when they

1) fail to simply address a question i have (not a statement)
2) tell me to sit down or shut up or both


Sit B) He isn't set - (doesn't have position?), moving backward? Sounds like the block was the easy call - maybe the T for the flop was what you thought was more appropriate?

Sit D - E) I looked everywhere in the rule book and case book and I can't find a spot where it says anything like "Offical must respond to coach's questions, comments and whining." ... maybe that's in rule 13 ...

I think you should "sit down and shutup".
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but what you fail to realize is that what you heard is not really what I meant.
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