Thread: Injured Player
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Old Tue Jan 31, 2006, 08:53am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally posted by JerzeeRef
DeeCee: So Freshman Officials are the worst, thats why they are Freshman Officials! Is that so ?
JerzeeRef, first of all, welcome to the board. You'll find a lot of valuable info here, and also a wide variety of opinions and personalities.

Second, deecee's comment may have come across wrong, but the truth is that most (not all, but most) freshman officials in my area work freshman games because they are either not experienced enough or not talented enough to work a higher level.

Some freshman officials work a real job at night, and their only availability is at 4 pm. So they get freshman games. Some officials have been varsity officials but took a few years off and are getting re-acclimated to officiating. Others are at the ends of their careers and can't keep up with a faster varsity game anymore; but b/c they love officiating, they take a freshman schedule.

But the vast majority are either just starting out (1-3 years of experience) or have never developed into varsity officials. And on the other end of the spectrum, the vast majority of varsity officials wouldn't choose to do freshman games, unless an assignor really didn't have anybody else and needed a favor.

This is not an indictment of freshman officials. It's just how it works. If you can move up, you do.

I hope you'll stick around the forum and contribute and get to know some of us, so that your only impression isn't an angry one. Good luck on the rest of your season.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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