Thread: Injured Player
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Old Mon Jan 30, 2006, 11:21pm
JerzeeRef JerzeeRef is offline
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Location: North Jersey
Posts: 18

DeeCee: So Freshman Officials are the worst, thats why they are Freshman Officials! Is that so ?

Over the last 10 years I've had the pleasure of working state and county finals in a sport I truly love. I've never forgotten where I came from. To this day if an AD or assignor gets stuck I will help out.

From Middle School thru Varsity, every year I see your attitude as a coach (shame on you if you are an official) as a cancer in all sports against all officials. The children (yes the children you coach) feed off of you as someone they are supposed to look up to, and to me it sounds as if you are doing a disservice to you players.

What Official worth his sweat wants a coach to tell him what he did wrong. You think we don't make mistakes ! You think we don't discuss things with our partners ! I have no idea who or where your games are played but I would never stand for a coach coming over and telling how the call should have gone.

Tell me I'm wrong, wrong, wrong, it was a bad call, I can live with that. Don't even try to come over (during a break in the action !! I believe there are other things on our mind at that moment)and try to tell me what the rule means. Thats why we have partners, to discuss plays and situations

Here is a little advice next time.......try talking to the official we are only human. I'll listen to anybody but you start screeming or yelling then our conversation is over and I have nothing to say to you.

You might not know why you got the T's but I'm sure everybody reading your post knows why you received them.

Doing my best each and every time.
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