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Old Wed Dec 05, 2001, 02:49pm
JeffRef JeffRef is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 87
OK, let's get nuts!

Let's take this to an even higher level of improbability...

So B1 violates and A calls time out. So we know that A1 gets a substitute throw if he misses. Before the ball becomes live for A1's first throw, A2 is assesed with a direct tecnical foul. After B shoots two free throws, they decide they want a time out. I could go on with other interruptions but you see where I'm going with this, right? It could be 5 minutes before A1 gets to shoot his original free throw. He misses. We give him a substitute throw. Coach B wants an explanation: "Sure coach, don't you remember 5 minutes ago when your player violated on A1's free throw and then he called a time out instead of taking the free throw?"

Jamie, maybe this will be on next year's test. And yes it is "double secret probation"

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