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Old Mon Jan 23, 2006, 06:32pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by refTN
You are probably right Jurassic I have no idea what they are. I would appreciate it if you posted them for me and while you are at it I need you to post all 13 rules from NFHS book for me. I do need to get better at them and study them harder. I hope to be really good one day. I think if I just get about another 7 or 8 years on top of my 4 years of experience I already have(if you can call it that since I have reffed over 700 games and not one of them have been a REGULAR SEASON HIGH SCHOOL game, which matters a whole lot) I will actually make it to, and be a dang good HS official. And then I can be perfectly content with myself and die of old age reffing in the same association for 45 years and make it into my state's hall of fame(which I so eagerly want to do. Oh boy what an honor) never having reffed or wanting to ref above high school.
If you don't want to ref hs, don't respect hs refs, can only respond sarcastically when people try to find out your true situation, why do you even bother posting here? I can't for the life of me figure out why you waste your time with us hopeless losers.
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