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Old Mon Jan 23, 2006, 05:28pm
refTN refTN is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 348
You are probably right Jurassic I have no idea what they are. I would appreciate it if you posted them for me and while you are at it I need you to post all 13 rules from NFHS book for me. I do need to get better at them and study them harder. I hope to be really good one day. I think if I just get about another 7 or 8 years on top of my 4 years of experience I already have(if you can call it that since I have reffed over 700 games and not one of them have been a REGULAR SEASON HIGH SCHOOL game, which matters a whole lot) I will actually make it to, and be a dang good HS official. And then I can be perfectly content with myself and die of old age reffing in the same association for 45 years and make it into my state's hall of fame(which I so eagerly want to do. Oh boy what an honor) never having reffed or wanting to ref above high school.
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